GM拍卖(Gorny & Mosch)即将在2014年6月26日上拍的一组杂项,一共35件,大概是中国公园10-12世纪的金器、或者铜鎏金,包括:
4,17件长方形铜鎏金,錾刻有龙形图案浮雕,尺寸为3.6 x 1.7 cm,有些小瑕疵。
Collection fittings. China, 10th - 12th century AD (?).
a) An elongated, rounded fitting made of gold (48.8 g) in the form of a stylized animal, H 13.2cm.
b) pair of earrings made of bronze and gold, H 9.5 cm.
c) 15 oval fittings in the form of hare lying in gilt bronze on organic material, L 2.8 cm.
d) 17 rectangular gilt bronze fittings on organic material with relief showing a dragon, 3.6 x 1.7 cm. 35 pieces! Some have small flaws.
Provenance: In Gorny & Mosch 206, 2012 506
Collection of fittings, probably China, 10th - 12th century AD, including a large and curved golden fitting in the form of a stylized animal, a pair of earrings made of bronze and gold, 15 oval fittings in the form of lying hares (gilded bronze on organic material), and 17 square fittings with a relief showing a dragon (gilded bronze on organic material). 35 pieces!