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Boston Store Recently Handled 1797 $10 Gold Eagle









Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2024-7-26 10:31:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

by Stanley Chu, Boston Store Manager - July 25, 2024
Original link: https://stacksbowers.com/boston-store-recently-handled-1797-10-gold-eagle/

Tourism is in full swing in Boston. As a historical city there are many sites relating to early America. One site that stands out among the many is Charlestown Navy Yard, home of the USS Constitution, the world’s oldest commissioned warship afloat. In 18th century America, funding the military and the new navy was costly and difficult for the young republic. The first estate tax was established in 1797 to help fund and maintain the United States Navy that protected American commerce and shipping. Gold and silver coins of the realm were used to pay for this tax.

The Boston team recently had the pleasure of handling a very attractive early U.S. gold coin, a 1797 Large Eagle $10 eagle bound that will be featured in Rarities Night of the August 2024 Global Showcase Auction as lot #3388. The more common of the two subtypes of 1797 gold eagle (the reverse design changed from the Small to Large Eagle that year), the Large Eagle type has a recorded mintage of 10,940, the smallest overall date mintage for the subtype. The coin that passed through Boston was graded AU-55 by PCGS in a first generation “Rattler” holder. It exhibits strong eye appeal, with pretty honey-yellow toning. It is an enticing piece for an early gold collector in need of a Capped Bust eagle and should attract strong bids in Rarities Night of the August 2024 Global Showcase Auction.

To view this lot and the rest of the August Showcase auction and bid, visit StacksBowers.com. As always, our team of numismatists here in Boston are ready to help you find that rare coin. To contact us for further inquiries or to make an appointment for any numismatic inquiries please call 617-843-8343 or boston@stacksbowers.com. We hope to see you soon!

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