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喀什 1878 五分 天罡 手打币 (三文)









Rank: 4

发表于 2024-2-7 11:24:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 anthonyrowenaqb 于 2024-2-7 11:45 编辑

喀什 五分 天罡 手打币

林国民图录 676

AH(12)95 (1878) 5 Fen LM-676 Kashgar
  • 自己送评分的 手打币
  • 原汁原味 新疆包浆!<3
  • PCGS AU 50
  • 三文:满文,回文,汉文

TV White Kashgar AU 50.jpg Kashgar AU 50 5 Fen A.jpg Kashgar AU 50 5 Fen B.jpg IMG_4417.jpg IMG_4418.jpg Slide.jpg Kashgar AU 50 5 Fen C.jpg Kashgar AU 50 5 Fen D.jpg Kashgar AU 50 5 Fen E.jpg

Specimen A, shown above, is a scarce issue that is considered its own individual type. It is quite unique as the obverse has two languages---Manchu and Chinese. The obverse has the central characters of wu fen五分 denoting the Chinese denomination of that era---5 fen in the form of a Tanga silver coin. This trend would be evident in nearly all the Chinese editions of the Tangas from the reign of Emperor Guang Xu. The central Chinese characters are flanked by two Manchurian scripts, denoting the region of mintage, Kashgar on the left. The right side Manchu means weilembi. The reverse is entirely in the Old Uygur script or Chahtai, and can be translated as follows: Kashigar Kilhan, or Minted in Kashgar, with the date of (12)95 on the Hejira calendar. This converts quite precisely to 1878 on the Gregorian calendar. One interesting note for this issue is that the date is blundered, as the date is intended to be "95" in AH 1295.

This piece is called a five fen tanga minted in Kashi, according to Dong Wenchao. I can say that it is a distinctive piece as the obverse has a mixture of Chinese and Manchu, while the reverse is entirely in Chahtai. This reverse style in one language is quite distinctive for these hammered Tangas of Sinkiang, as other regions like Kucha and Aksu would make such types with either both sides in Chahtai or just one. Taking all these languages into consideration, this piece really elucidates the mixture of cultures and the people that were in Sinkiang, a area rooted in conflict and geopolitics, yet bustling and prosperous for these coins to circulate. Regarding the geopolitics for instance, this piece underscores the consolidated rule and authority of the Qing Dynasty over Sinkiang, as we see the Manchu language---the language of the royal family---being placed in this circulating coin.

The piece is graded PCGS AU 50 with a well centered strike on an even planchet as well as original tone and slight luster. Note that there are some common and natural soft spots, though all the characters are visible. It is quite scarce, as Lin and Ma give a significant catalog value compared to the other Kashgar issues! Finally, with well struck and centered Tangas, we are able to see the original ornamental edges unique to Sinkiang's hand struck and hammered coinage. Every piece is different! We see that in the PCGS Population Report, many are in the VF range! Strike is key for these hammered tanga issues!

References: Krause Y A7.6, Dong Wenchao 236, Lin and Ma 676, Xinjiang Numismatics 289.


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发表于 2024-2-7 12:05:10 | 显示全部楼层
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Rank: 4

 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-8 07:24:56 | 显示全部楼层
年份:回歷 「95」 意思是 原本 回歷 1295 但是 「12」沒有打。這是很正常的。1878 年造 PCGS AU 50
正面:回文 「Kasgharda Qalgan」 有些人說 回文 「95」 不是 數字。原本是 「Qalgan」 的 部分!
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