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Chinese Panda Proof Gold Coin —— the Noble in Panda Coin









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2019-8-10 09:06:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Chinese Panda Proof Gold Coin —— the Noble in Panda Coin(点击查看中文版)
By:Haomin Chen
The People's Bank of China began issuing panda universal investment gold coins in 1982, which is highly praised by international collectors and has achieved great success. In soon in 1984 issued 12 ounces of panda proof gold coins, pioneering the issuance of large-scale Panda Gold coins. The 1984 edition mintage is 250 pieces and with a number of side marks on the coin. According to senior distributors, when the coin was produced into 210 pieces, the moulds of the mint were scrapped, and new moulds were opened to make up the balance. So there were two versions of the official currency, but no distinction No. was made between them. (At present, the edition of flower lace decoration of temple of heaven is commonly used as the sample in the catalogue, but which has nothing to do with it.) After 1984, 12 ounces of panda gold coins continued to be issued in 1986, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995. Among them, the mintage of 1986, 1987 and 1995 was huge, followed by 1990, and the mintage in 1991-1995 dropped sharply. Among them, the most difficult to find is Year 1994 and 1995 which was the top one in the 12 ounces of panda gold coins, panda gold coins of this specification were no longer issued since 1995.

Perhaps inspired by the fact that several major investment currency issuers in the world issue universal coins at a high premium while issuing the same edition and specifications of proof coins, the People's Bank of China in 1986 promoted the panda proof gold coin set series, and the same specifications and designs of the same year's issue of common gold coins, only in the production process more detailed, and enhanced the mirror sandblasting effect, in order to distinguish them from the BU gold panda, on the coin it recognized by the English letter "P" (abbreviation for " Proof "), the premium of issuance is more than 60% higher than that of the BU golden panda coins. In the first few years, the sales situation was relatively satisfactory. The actual mintage of proof coins was close to the 10,000 sets scheduled. Since 1988, the sale of proof coins has been on the high side and the pattern is similar to that of the BU gold coins. The sales of proof coins has gradually declined, so they have to be lowered year by year. Till 1992, it was recorded that only over 800 sets of proof panda gold coins had been issued, and the sales of this project had entered a dilemma. In 1993 and 1994 editions, only one ounce of gold coins, which accounted for the highest price, could be removed and replaced by one fourth ounce of gold + one eighth ounce of silver bimetallic coins, so as to survive. However, sales were still unsatisfactory, so in 1995, production of the project was stopped and the new panda bimetal coins (1/2 ounces of gold + 1/5 ounces of silver, 1/4 ounces of gold + 1/8 ounces of silver, 1/10 ounces of gold + 1/28 ounces) were replaced. The new bimetal set coins were issued in 1995, 1996 and 1997. They are novel in design and vivid in panda design.
Panda proof gold coin 5-ounce specification was issued in 1987. It was issued in 1987, 1988, 1992, 1993, 1994, (1995, 1996 and 1997. It was 5-ounce Gold + 2-ounce Silver Bimetallic Coin), and 2005-2015. Among them, 1992-1997 was the most difficult year segment to find. In addition to one of the 1997 editions, it was put on display in the China Gold Coin Incorporation Headquarters in the special auction fair in previous years. The dozens of other coins are still sealed up in the storage room of the China Gold Coin Incorporation.

Panda proof Gold Coin 1 kg specifications began in 1997, mintage is only 58pcs. I wonder if it was because the market was too weak that it stopped for one year in 1998 and then restarted the issue of this specification in 1999, which has continued till nowadays without interruption. From 1999 to 2004, the annual planned mintage was 68pcs, increased to 100pcs in 2005 and 200pcs in 2006. At present, the project is still in the process of continuing producing, and the mintage has been adjusted to 500pcs.
In addition to the varieties mentioned above, panda proof gold coin has also issued anniversary series and 50 grams, 100 grams and 150 grams series after restructuring. Among them, the most famous one is the brilliant work of panda gold coin: 5 kg commemorative gold coin for the 10th anniversary of the issuance of panda gold coin in 1991, with the mintage only 10 pieces. This gold coin undoubtedly becomes the most dazzling gem on the crown of Panda Family.

Panda gold coins have witnessed the rapid development of China's economy in recent decades. From the lack of national power to rely on foreign issuance for the purpose of foreign exchange, to today's "  Individuals Owing Gold " policy under which millions of domestic commercial bank outlets are sold all over the world... We have every reason to believe that panda gold coins will become a well-known investment collection, among which hundreds of thousands of rare varieties will be issued, and will become the star which for coin collectors sought after in the future.


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