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The Olympics Return to Paris 2024









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发表于 2024-7-23 09:52:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

France 2021 200 Euro – 2024 Paris Olympic Games, PCGS PR69DCAM. Courtesy of PCGS TrueView.

By Jay Turner - July 19, 2024
Original link: https://www.pcgs.com/news/the-olympics-return-to-paris-2024

With the Olympic revival in 1896 hosted by Athens, the second city to host was Paris in 1900. The Olympics returned to France in 1924, with the Winter Games being hosted in Chamonix and the Summer Games held in Paris. Now, 100 years later, Paris once again hosts the Summer Olympics in 2024.

France has a proud numismatic tradition in manufacturing coins and medals, and the Olympic Games is no exception. For those fortunate enough to visit Paris in 2024, the Monnaie de Paris (Paris Mint) museum has a display of numismatic medals made for the different Olympics. This display includes medals from the first Olympic revival in 1896 up to the current date.


Paris Mint Museum entrance for the Olympic exhibit. Courtesy of Jay Turner.


Display showing Olympic poster from Paris along with corresponding medals. Courtesy of Jay Turner.


Display showing 1900 Exposition Universelle and Olympic medals. Courtesy of Jay Turner.


Display showing 1924 Paris Olympic medals and the dies that produced them. Courtesy of Jay Turner.

With the 2024 Olympic Games again in Paris, the Paris Mint has released an abundance of numismatic products for collectors revolving the Summer Olympiad. This includes a set for commemoration of the 1924 Games, which includes six different coins in silver and gold. A series of different coins featuring the Olympic mascot includes 18 different 10 euro silver coins, four 50 euro silver coins, two 250 Euro gold coins, and a 500 euro gold issue.

An Olympic handover series includes a gold 200 euro, gold 50 euro, silver 10 euro, and copper quarter euro. A group of “Monnaies Hexagonales” features four gold and four silver issues. Another offering is a circulation-issue two euro in both proof and business-strike finishes in different cards with four different designs issued in five different card designs each.

Olympic sports series feature judo, swimming, kite flying, horse jumping, cycling, gymnastics, golfing, breakdancing, pole vaulting, fencing, and handball each with coins minted in gold, silver, or copper. Four different Paralympics coins feature tennis, blind football, basketball, and athletics also struck in gold, silver, and copper.

A heritage series features five gold and five silver coins. Another five coins struck in gold, silver, and copper feature a commemorative honoring the Olympic flame. And these are just a few of the numismatic coin offerings from the Paris Mint! Several other coins, sets, and medals are also available.


France 2023 Quarter Euro Paris Olympics – Breakdancing, PCGS MS69RD. Courtesy of PCGS.  


France 2023 10 Euros Paris Olympics Mascot (Phryges) Skateboarding Colorized, PCGS MS67. Courtesy of PCGS.


France 2023 10 Euros Paris Olympics Mascot (Phryges) Fencing, PCGS MS67. Courtesy of PCGS.  


France 2024 250 Euro Paris Olympics Hexagonales Hercule, PCGS MS70. Courtesy of PCGS.  

The eyes of the world will be on Paris during the 2024 Summer Olympics. For those who want a keepsake, the Paris Mint and other minting agencies around the world have your coin-collecting cravings satiated with their many offerings.

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