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Why Didn’t My Coin Get a Grade?









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发表于 2024-7-30 11:02:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

This 1877-CC Trade Dollar is graded VF Detail – Environmental Damage. In other words, it was authenticated and encapsulated, but received a Details grade rather than a numerical grade. Courtesy of PCGS TrueView.

By PCGS - July 29, 2024
Original link: https://www.pcgs.com/news/why-didnt-my-coin-get-a-grade

Have you ever submitted a coin for grading at PCGS only for it to be returned raw with no grade? Or maybe it came back in a holder that said “Details” instead of a numerical grade. Why didn’t your coin get a grade? Unfortunately, not every coin is eligible for a grade or encapsulation by PCGS. Here are some of the common reasons for a coin to No-Grade at PCGS.

Filed Rims
These coins had some rim dents or bumps that were filed down to give the coin an even appearance. Rims were often filed down for bullion theft or to remove evidence of jewelry mounts. Coins with filed rims will be encapsulated in a PCGS holder and given a Details grade.

Peeling Lamination
These coins have planchet flaws caused by impurities in the metal alloy that lead to the flaking or peeling of metal on the coin’s surface. These coins will not be placed into a PCGS holder because they are too damaged to survive the encapsulation process.

Holed and Plugged
These coins have holes drilled into them. If you do not see a hole but the coin was returned to you with this designation, that means the hole was plugged, or filled with metal, in an attempt to hide it. These coins will be encapsulated by PCGS and given a Details grade.

Authenticity Unverifiable
This means that the grading team could not conclusively determine whether your coin was genuine. This includes coins where the surface is too worn or the original surfaces have been destroyed. These coins will not be placed into a PCGS holder because PCGS only encapsulates genuine coins.

These coins are not genuine. They are either well-known counterfeit examples or exhibit counterfeit characteristics and are highly suspect. These coins will not be placed into a PCGS holder because PCGS only encapsulates genuine coins.

Questionable Color
These coins have been given artificial toning to try to enhance value or cover up problems on the surface. Toning is questionable when the colors are glaringly unnatural or they seem purposely placed to distract you from issues on the coin. These coins will be encapsulated by PCGS and given a Details grade.

These coins have surface damage due to abrasive cleaning. The coin might have an overly polished look or faint hairlines on the surface. These coins will be encapsulated by PCGS and given a Details grade.

Planchet Flaw
These coins have a metal impurity or defect in the planchet. Small, non-disruptive flaws might be acceptable, but large, distracting ones are not. These coins will be encapsulated by PCGS and given a Details grade.

Altered Surface
These coins have been covered in substances like putty that are meant to fill in scratches and “improve” their appearance. Since it is impossible to determine the quality of the surface underneath the coating, these coins can not be graded. These coins will be encapsulated by PCGS and given a Details grade.

These coins have deep distracting scratches on their surface. If the scratch is light, not distracting, and toned over, it might be acceptable. However, bright, obvious, deep scratches are not. These coins will be encapsulated by PCGS and given a Details grade.

Refund - No Service
These are submitted coins that PCGS does not certify. These include medals, coins that don’t fit into a PCGS holder, etc. These coins will not be encapsulated by PCGS.

Environmental Damage
These are coins that were damaged by natural factors. Coins found underground, in the ocean, or in humid environments often have corrosion. This looks like dark toning that has burned into the coin’s surface. These coins will be encapsulated by PCGS and given a Details grade.

These are coins that have any type of metal movement, intentional or accidental. This No Grade classification covers everything from excessive rim dings to graffiti. These coins will be encapsulated by PCGS and given a Details grade.

These coins have been damaged by PVC, a plasticizer used to make vinyl coin holders. Overtime, PVC seeps out of the holder and onto the coin, damaging the surface. It appears as slimy green spots on the surface of the coin. Because it worsens over time, further destroying the coin, PCGS will not encapsulate these coins.


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